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How to Deliver Courtesy Copies to Court Departments

Regular courtesy copies are notifications that a filing is complete and can be sent electronically or physically. They simply alert clients or coworkers that paperwork is submitted to the court for review. You can electronically send courtesy copies in CourtFiling.net by adding an email address in the Courtesy Email Notice field.

Courtesy Copy Field

Courtesy copies to court departments, however, can slightly differ in their procedure and requirements.

Courtesy copies to court departments are also a notification that paperwork is submitted that go to specific court department(s) where your case is held. Some judges/departments require courtesy copies, but not all.

If a court department/judge does require courtesy copies, the copies must be physically delivered since judges require a paper version. Therefore, you cannot electronically send courtesy copies to court departments/judges through CourtFiling.net.

Delivering Courtesy Copies to Court Departments

Since courtesy copies to court departments are not always required, CourtFiling.net does not send/deliver courtesy copies to departments. Instead, the physical delivery of courtesy copies to departments is outside of our system. You may hire a professional process server to securely deliver your courtesy copies. These legal support professionals are typically at the courts on a daily basis and can provide this service for a reasonable fee.

To see your case’s judge’s/department’s policies on courtesy copies, contact your courthouse or research your judge’s standing order. Here are some popular eFiling courts to help you get started:

Courtesy Copies are not eService

It is important to note that any type of courtesy copy is not a substitute for eService or traditional service of process. If your case allows eService, you may add and attach firm service contacts to your filing. Otherwise, hire a process server for physical service of process.

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